What are Video Analysts?

Video Analysis is the first and most important step in improving a football team’s performance. The person who does the analysis is called a video analyst. They use tools and work on improving a team’s own game and identify tactics and game plans by watching the oppositions’ games.

Using a Video Analysis Software Tools, Video Analysts can help elevate teams to new heights. They can tag games live or in even more detail post-games. They work with many semi-professionals or professional team and are key to the success of many teams as it helps with identifying and showing players where they can improve and how they can defeat their opponents going forward.

The Football Business Academy’s video analyst course offers student an opportunity to learn how to help team and play­er per­for­mance.

Student will learn the four basic steps of video analysing:

Capturing the game

You will learn about what to capture in a game and different angles you can capture the game from.


 You will learn to analyse thing like oppo­nent play­ing style, set pieces, strengths and weak­ness­es of indi­vid­ual play­ers.


Once you’ve analysed the video and data that is impor­tant to you, you have to share that in a way the play­ers will under­stand. There is no right or wrong way to do this, so con­sid­er their learn­ing styles. You will learn how to deliver information to your play­ers like to lis­ten, to be shown visu­al­ly, or to get involved with hands-on expe­ri­ence


From indi­vid­ual tech­nique to tac­ti­cal under­stand­ing, mak­ing time to revis­it is vital for devel­op­ment. Not only will you be able to harp on your phi­los­o­phy on the pitch, but you’ll be able to see that your play­ers under­stand and progress.

If you still have questions contact the FBA’s Video Analyst course, Student support Team who will be happy to help you at  info@footballbusinessacademy.co.za  OR WhatsApp at +27 68 043 9078.